Some Resources for Dealing with Anxiety and Trauma

Hi all,
I am not alone in feeling PTSD or anxiety related to the Boston bombing, I know. My thoughts and prayers are with the families and loved ones of the people who have passed away and who are injured, and everyone around the world experiencing senseless violence and trauma or who has this in their history.
As best as you can, please be careful when you are out there.
Let’s also please be careful with what we put out into shared community space. We impact each other in ways we do not always expect or foresee. Our words have power, both for ourselves and for others.
I don’t like to just focus on a problem, so I searched for some resources or solutions. I share these with the hope that folks who, like me, may be experiencing some challenges these days as our emotions get all stirred up and prior trauma is triggered, will find some comfort or useful tips in them:
Let’s support each other, love each other, and do our best not to permit fear to rule us.
I will continue to strive for this today (and yes, it is an effort for me). I believe that with practice, living in faith rather than in fear, or at least containing the fears and not letting them govern, can become second nature.
Love, Light, & Peace,

2 thoughts on “Some Resources for Dealing with Anxiety and Trauma

  1. Thank you Kamal. As a trauma survivor I understand about triggers and how conversations and world events can put PTSD sufferers into a scary place. It is important for survivors to know you are not alone you are not crazy and you deserve help to heal.
    I took the afternoon off work today to take a dear friend to a crisis center. She is finally ready to ask for and seek help, after coming apart this week. I am so proud of her for that.

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